Tiffany Lane Update:December 10, 2017

The past week has been a whirlwind of activity and we hope to achieve an important mile stone in the next few days. The very generous retired couple (Dick & Linda Lawyer) that took the Lane family into their home on October 22nd, need them to move out on December 16th to make room for visiting family members.

As a result, we are hoping to obtain a temporary certificate of occupancy this week that would allow the Tiffany and the kids to move back into the less damaged portion of the house next weekend while the remaining repairs to the more damaged side are completed.


Fortunately, the media coverage our efforts received last weekend has resulted in a groundswell of additional support. After hearing our story, Associated Building Contractors for Eastern Pennsylvania distributed an urgent request for assistance from its members. Since then, nearly a dozen contractors have stepped up with offers to donate electrical supplies, lighting fixtures, bathroom fixtures, paint, drywall and labor to help us finish repairing the house. Much work remains, but we have more momentum now than ever before!

To date, we have raised over $16,000 in financial support from nearly five dozen donors. In addition, we've scheduled a Holiday Reunion fundraising event for current and former Aramark employees this week on Wednesday, December 13th.

Hopefully, these efforts will get us across the finish line in the next few weeks! I'll continue to keep you posted on our progress.