Tiffany Wilson Lane Assistance Donations

Despite that a few contractors have generously agreed to contribute their labor and expertise to make repairs to Tiffany Lane's home, we still need to raise funds to purchase building materials and cover other temporary living expenses for the family.

The accounting firm Beucler, Kelly & Irwin has set up a Tiffany Wilson Lane Donation Fund at Wells Fargo Bank (Acct#5800342601) and is donating their time to manage and administer fund disbursements in a fully transparent and consistent manner.

Whatever you can contribute to this effort will be much appreciated.  While not tax deductible, all contributions will make a lasting difference in the lives of Tiffany and her children.  Donations to the fund can be made at any Wells Fargo bank branch using the account name and number above, or directly by credit card below.

Please help us get Tiffany and her kids back in their home for the holidays!