Brands Are People Too!

Harnessing the Power of Brand Warmth and Competence

Groundbreaking research in customer behavior has revealed that the way humans respond to brands is simply an extension of the way they spontaneously perceive, judge and behave towards one another. That insight could revolutionize your brand strategy.

Fidelum Partners, in collaboration with world renowned social psychologists Dr. Susan T. Fiske and Dr. Nicolas O. Kervyn of Princeton University conducted a series of research studies with over 5,000 U.S. adults and over 40 leading brands. We found that customers not only perceive companies and brands in the same way that they do people, assessing them for warmth and competence, but also that these assessments strongly influence purchase interest and loyalty behavior.

This white paper summarizes the key findings of this research and highlights 5 new ways to build stronger customer loyalty to your brand.

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